About Diann Floyd Boehm

Best Selling Author
My Story
I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and moved to Texas with my parents and two older brothers when I was about two. Our family grew, and grew and I know have five brothers! It was a blast to have two older brothers and three younger ones. Our home was never dull.
Discovering the Art of Storytelling
I had several teachers who would have our class make group stories. Of course, none of us students knew how the story would turn out with all the twists and turns swirling from our imaginations. But, it was a great technique to inspire storytelling and creative writing.
The Stage
In fourth grade, I entered my first talent show with friends and discoverd I loved entertaining and making people smile. At that moment, I knew I wanted to learn every form of storytelling: acting, singing, and the power of words.
I graduated from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, with a Bachelor of Science in Education. Later, I received my kindergarten endorsement at the University of Texas at Austin. I married my husband John, a diplomat, and we moved to the Philippines. I thought 4th grade at the American International School in Manila, Philippines. I continued teaching when I returned to Texas with the birth of our first child. I enjoyed teaching for many years; no matter my grade, there was always story time. Our family grew to five, and reading and story-time were a part of the bedtime routine. Eventually, the kiddos would become quite the storytellers themselves. Today, we have three beautiful, successful adults and a grandchild. Fast forward to the present. My husband and I lived overseas for his work for fourteen years, but I could travel home at least twice a year. Living abroad has allowed me to meet people from all over the world. I have also traveled to many states. I have only 3 left Wisconsin, Michigan, and Hawaii. I am looking forward to visiting them in the next couple of years.
I have had the good fortune to work with incredible individuals and organizations doing humanitarian work in various countries. When I visit villages in other countries, I find storytelling in one form or another.
I finally decided it was time to put my words on paper. The rest is history.
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